The chain collocation method: A spectrally accurate calculus of forms ======================================================================= The figures below were used in the paper published here_. .. _here: Figure 3 -------- Examples of periodic interpolators for :math:`N=6` (a) and :math:`7` (b), and corresponding periodic histopolators (c) and (d), scaled by :math:`h=2\pi/N` for clarity. While the interpolator :math:`\alpha_N` satisfies :math:`\alpha_N(nh \mod 2\pi) = \delta_{0n} \; \forall n`, the histopolator :math:`\beta_N` integrates to :math:`1` over the dual cell straddling :math:`x=0`, and to :math:`0` over other dual cells in the range :math:`[0,2\pi]`. Note that the alternating red and green colors are used to mark out dual cells, and to illustrate that the integral of :math:`\beta_N` over each of these dual cells sums to zero or one. .. plot:: plot/cheb/ Figure 5 --------- Chebyshev primal basis functions for a grid with :math:`N=7`. We normalize the one-form basis functions by :math:`x_n\!-\!x_{n-1}` to have approximately the same scale in our visualizations. .. plot:: plot/cheb/ Figure 6 --------- Chebyshev dual basis functions for a grid with :math:`N=7`. .. plot:: plot/cheb/ Figure 7 --------- Convergence graphs for a 1D Poisson equation: (a) we solve :math:`\Delta f = e^{\sin x} (\cos^2 x - \sin x)` on a periodic domain for either a primal, or dual :math:`0`-form :math:`f`; (b) we solve math:`\Delta f = e^{x}` on a Chebyshev grid, for either a primal :math:`0`-form with Dirichlet boundary conditions :math:`f(-1)=e^{-1}` and :math:`f(1)=e`, or for a dual :math:`0`-form with Neumann boundary conditions math:`f^\prime(-1)= e^{-1}` and :math:`f^\prime(+1)= e`. All of our results exhibit spectral convergence (measured through the :math:`L^\infty` error :math:`\|f - \Delta^{-1}q \|_\infty`), with the conventional plateau when we reach the limit of accuracy of the representation of floating point numbers. .. plot:: plot/cheb/ .. plot:: plot/cheb/ Figure 8 --------- Convergence graphs for a 2D Poisson equation; (a) we solve :math:`\Delta f = e^{\sin x} (\cos^2 x - \sin x)+e^{\sin y} (\cos^2 y - \sin y)` on a periodic domain for either a primal, or dual :math:`0`-form :math:`f`; (b) Now for :math:`\Delta f = e^{\sin x} (\cos^2 x - \sin x) \mathbf{d}x +e^{\sin y} (\cos^2 y - \sin y) \mathbf{d}y`; (c) we solve :math:`\Delta f = e^{x}+e^{y}` on a Chebyshev grid, for either a primal :math:`0`-form with Dirichlet boundary conditions :math:`f(x,y)=e^{x}+e^{y}`, or for a dual :math:`0`-form with Neumann boundary conditions :math:`\nabla f(x) \cdot \mathbf{n} = (e^x\;e^y)^t \;\mathbf{n}`; (d) Now for :math:`\Delta f = e^{x} \mathbf{d}x+e^{y}\mathbf{d}y`. All of our results exhibit spectral convergence (measured through the :math:`L^\infty` error :math:`\|\Delta f - q \|_\infty`), with the conventional plateau in accuracy for fine meshes. .. plot:: plot/cheb/ .. plot:: plot/cheb/ Figure 9 --------- Plot for the solution of :math:`(\star\mathbf{d}\star\mathbf{d}+\mathbf{d}\star\mathbf{d}\star)f\!=\!0` with the boundary conditions of :math:`\star f |_{\mathcal{B}} = 0` (vector field is tangent to the boundary) and :math:`\star\mathbf{d}\star f |_{\mathcal{B}}\!=\!1` (the curl at the boundary is equal to :math:`1`). The domain is :math:`[-1,1]^2`, discretized by a :math:`10\!\times\!10` Chebyshev grid. .. plot:: plot/cheb/